Last Weekend for the Four Sisters

The power generation Plant beside our club: Lakeview Generating Station (LGS) is being demolished. The 4 smokestacks, known locally as the "4 sisters" are coming down tomorrow morning at 7:30am weather permitting. Each stack is 146 mitres tall (493 feet) and built from reinforced concrete.
LGS and the 4 sisters have been a fixture on the Mississauga waterfront since 1962 when the plant opened. LGS was a 2400 megawatt coal-fired generating station and in the 1970s supplied 17% of Ontario's power. Demolition starts with the 4 sisters coming down tomorrow, followed by the power house later this summer. By this time next year all that will be left is a field.
We're told we won't see any condos being built here any time soon. The site is zoned industrial and will likely end up being reused as a power facility, likely natural gas fired.
Although I not sorry to see this source of pollution gone, we're going to miss the stacks for navigation on the lake.

I'll post some pics tomorrow of LGS with the stacks gone tomorrow.
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