Splash 2006 "What a Day"

Well things started off well on Wednesday. A beautiful day; we built the mast without a hitch. Weather forecast for Thursday however was ominous: high winds, rain, possible thunderstorms.
We launched at about 10:30am, no rain but lots of wind building. My wind instruments weren't working, but when you can hear the wind screaming you know it's bad. The launch went smoothly, and we made it over to a slip bow into the wind. The short trip was a little harrowing in the driving wind, but we made it safely.
We were due on the mast crane at 1pm, so we moved the boat over to the crane. By this time the wind was howelling. With some help, we managed to get the boat over to the wall and tied up without incident. Still no rain, but the sky was looking wicked. About 1:30pm, the Harbour Master called it off saying there was too much wind. Then the rain came. A driving rain from the east.
So we will try again Friday morning at 8am. The forecast says light winds with rain and winds returning in the pm. Stay tuned I'll post again Friday evening if all goes well.

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
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