Another Great Sunday for Sailing
Sunday was another terrific day on the lake. Temperatures were in the mid-20's and there was hardly a cloud in the sky. We started off the day with Vince and I going over to the fuel dock and filling VICTURA with diesol. This season we used a grand total of 29 litres of fuel which cost us just over $30. Not bad for a full season of sailing. After making a stop back at our slip to pick up Barbara, we headed out down the lake towards Toronto in 10-15kt winds. We met up with Vince & Julie on Peas & Carrots in Humber Bay and we sailed together for a while. There were lots of boats out in the good weather and we had a great sail. Let's hope this weather continues. The only negative with the weather is the lack of rain. Water levels in the lake are dropping and are now down a couple of feet. We noticed it at the fuel dock where the depth was 7 feet in spots. There's some rain in the forecast for Tuesday. We need a good soaker.

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