Maybe Our Last Sail of the Season

It might have been our last sail of the season Monday. It was a pleasant day, temperature mild at 20c but some clouds had moved in and fall was definitely in the air. The wind was variable and light. We saw maybe 8kts, just enough to put the sails up and move us along.
We got of the dock late joined by Jamie's friend Patrick for his 2nd sail with us. It was pretty quiet on the water; I guess a lot of the boaters were having their Thanksgiving dinner on Monday.
We caught up with our friends Donna and Peter and their boat CASSIS a mile or so off-shore near Port Credit and took some pics. After a couple of hours we both headed in.
Hope we can get out one more time, but the forecast is calling for wet and colder weather and we need to start thinking about getting ready for haul-out.

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